• Moon Sends Congratulatory Message To 'Parasite' Team

Moon sends congratulatory message to ‘Parasite’ team
Moon sends congratulatory message to ‘Parasite’ team
President Moon Jae-in sent a congratulatory message to Bong Joon-ho and his "Parasite" team on Monday for winning four Oscars.

The president wrote in an official letter that the historic win has given South Koreans pride and courage amid efforts to overcome the new coronavirus outbreak.

Moon said the film has "moved the hearts of people around the world with a story that best highlights Korean style, and has proved its capability to the world through unique and detailed directing, pithy dialogue, script, editing, music, art and the actors' performances."

The president also apparently expressed his administration's commitment to protecting freedom of speech with minimal censorship for filmmakers.

The South Korean black comedy-thriller was awarded best picture, best screenplay, best director and best international feature film at the 92nd Academy Awards.■

<Photo: Yonhap News>
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